
De Wikis en Educación

There are a lot of people who are getting into short sales because they no longer have the ability to pay for the mortgage, and getting into short sales is the only way to save them. If you are going to bargain for a property listed for short sale, you are basically bargaining for something that is already on bargain. The reason why short sale properties are priced lower than the market value is because the owner of the property would want to have buyers who are keen to buy the property or to simply have someone who can cover the mortgage for them.

Buying a property should not be based on the listed price. If it is listed below the market value, then it is a great deal for you. Myths that the value of real estate properties will drop in the next six months were there for more than 6 years, so you should not use it as a reason to bargain the property. If you are going to buy a property, especially in places like Las Vegas, those that are listed for sale are never or are rarely listed above the market value. They are selling properties for the price that is dictated by the market, and that is the price that someone should pay.

What makes things worse is that there are people who are asking an agent to prove to them that it is really the market value. Once they found out that the agent is telling the truth, they won't believe the agent, thinking that he is a salesman trying to get his inventory cleared. Myths about buying a property should not be used, because this can either go into "no deal" or "I feel bad". You feel good if you get it for a price below the listed price, and you want to bargain it. The seller will feel bad if the property was sold for a price lower than the market value or than what he wanted. So what happens? No deal!

So what is the best thing that you can do when buying a property? Never use myths, perceptions, beliefs, and other emotions when buying a property. What you see is what you get. The listed price doesn't mean anything, and you should never bargain with a property because its listed price is higher than what you want to pay for it. It would be better for both parties and for the industry if you are going to pay for a property, believing that the price of the real estate will remain the same for years; it will not go up and it will not go down for whatever reason you want to have. 任意売却 神戸

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