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Times have definitely changed, and in line with the changes in technology and our lifestyle is the evolution of how men and women view their partners. In fact, there is a great disparity between how men are seen in the society as a whole. As an example, masculinity is seen in a very different way. For one, women prefer their man well groomed and this means that they are clean shaven. Even men themselves view grooming as being hairless. For this reason, men go through the excruciating procedure of chest hair removal.
There are simple ways of getting rid of unwanted hair. From pain free to excruciating methods, there are ways of chest hair removal.
We start off with the cheapest and virtually painless method, which is shaving. Indeed, shaving is the best way to go for men who would rather not feel anything except a gliding and slightly tingling sensation. However, the worse part about shaving is that it only addresses cutting the hair without disrupting the follicles which are responsible for hair growth. Because of this, men who shave their chest hair and other unwanted hair, shave on a regular basis.
Another method, which may slightly cost people who want their hair removed, is through creams and products that promise removal of hair. Unlike shaving, creams remove follicles, but not always. At times, creams only address hair from the surface and do not penetrate the follicles.
Now we move on to the excruciating, but still an economical way of chest hair removal. Yes, you have guessed it-waxing! This is painful, if people would tell you that shaving your chest area is only slightly painful, think again. They are either lying or they've had topical anaesthesia rubbed all over the area prior to having the procedure. On the lighter side, the great thing about waxing is that it addresses the root of the problem. Although this method may be excruciating, follicles of the hair come out, and because of waxing unwanted hair do not grow back for a couple of weeks.
If you think that this is the only way for you to have a chest hair removal, think again. There is, however, a more effective and absolutely painless way. Nonetheless, it will cost you a lot. This effective chest hair removal is through laser treatment. With laser hair removal you can permanently say goodbye to your chest hair without the excruciating pain you get from waxing. Hair Removal Electrolysis Hair Removal Permanent Hair Removal