Fourth year of secondary education
Uniform Circular Movement
C. Palacios

Circular movement can be seen in many gadgets which surround us; engines, the hands of a clock and wheels are some examples.  This teaching unit presents the characteristic magnitudes of Uniform Circular Movement and revises the concepts of arc and angle.

This unit concludes the study of movement which began in the previous three units:

Moving bodies, Trajectory and Displacement and Rectilinear Movements

To understand the kinematic characteristics of Uniform Circular Movement.

  • To understand the meaning and utility of the radian for describing this movement.
  • To express velocities in rad/s, r.p.s. and r.p.m. and to convert them from one to another.
  • To understand the meaning of linear and angular magnitudes.
  • To transform linear magnitudes into angular ones and vice versa.
What is it?
Does it show acceleration?
How do we describe it?
Revolutions per minute
Radians per second
What is a radian?
Arc, angle and radius
How many radians are there in a circumference?
Angular and linear magnitudes
Linear and angular space
Linear and angular velocity

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