Regular Polyhedra

Regular Polyhedra.

Regular polyhedra satisfy these conditions:
- The faces of regular polyhedra are equal regular polygons.
- The same number of faces with the same shape converge in all the vertices, that is, they form equal polyhedral angles.
- The dihedral angles that form two border faces are equal.

There are only five regular polyhedra:
- The tetrahedron.
- The octahedron.
- The icosahedron.
- The hexahedron or cube.
- The dodecahedron.

The tetrahedron.

The most simple regular polyhedron is the tetrahedron.

You can rotate the figure by moving the red dot.

- What types of polygons are its faces?

- How many faces converge in each vertex?

- Does the same number of faces with the same shape converge in each vertex?

- Are all its faces equal?

-How many faces does this polyhedron have?

-How many edges does it have?

-How many vertices does it have?

Type each answer in the corresponding box and hit Enter.

  Eduardo Barbero Corral
Spanish Ministry of Education , Social Afairs and Sport. Year 2007

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