Did you know ...?


We suggest you read a little more about these two topics:


A) When we talk about magic and wizards, most people think about superstition and fairy tales.

But have you heard about Nostradamus, one of the few real historical "seers" with millions of followers who think that his prophecies have come true?

Would you like to read something about the man who, in the XVIth century, predicted historical events as the two World Wars, or the Twin Towers disaster?

Read this well-documented site on the historical figure and his work:

Wikipedia - Nostradamus

B) Gwineth works and lives in a medieval castle. Castles were fascinating places, but not as luxurious as we imagine.

We recommend this website for a detailed description of life in a medieval castle, of the people inside the place, with lots of photographs:

Life in a Medieval Castle

If you prefer something easier try these:

The Middle Ages

Castles for kids
