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Revisión a fecha de 00:42 8 may 2012; RudySchutte (Discutir | contribuciones)
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Handsome Policeman Famous Before Neighbor into the State

After the Norman Kamaru splashy action on Youtube and fashionable beautiful policewoman Brigadier Eka Frestya, now Indonesia a star back within the world police. Saeful Bahri, an associate of Unit Dalmas Polrestabes Bandung became an idol some people following a photograph circulating on Twitter.

Since the called police handsome or polisi ganteng, face Bahri Saeful direct pacing in the media and flooded the seeker of news interviews. But apparently the young born October 26, 1990 is besides known in Indonesia, and also in neighboring countries like Malaysia.

This was proved by the existence of some Malaysian journalists who located Polrestabes Bandung in order to reach Saeful Bahri. According AKBP Yully Kurniawan as Kasat Sabhara (Dalmas) Polrestabes Bandung, the journalist deliberately desired to make news for the police in Indonesia, such as the famous Bahri Saeful via Twitter.

"Even today, there was reporters from Malaysia. Three people. Well, really on the internet for too in order that it seems? They said rrt had been covered around the police in Indonesia. Yes, one of Handsome Policeman phenomenon, "he said.

Polisi ganteng Bahri Saeful name is getting increasingly familiar to most people, even going to the neighboring country. Recently even the handsome cop got busy with the shooting schedule to seem in a number of television shows for example 'Bukan Empat Mata' and 'Hitam Putih".

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