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Revisión a fecha de 09:58 22 abr 2012; NeaceMontano740 (Discutir | contribuciones)
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President Barack Hussein Obama

On November 4th, 1998 a fresh chapter began in the reputation the United States when Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th president in our country. This is somewhat historic on several levels. First Mr. Obama was obviously a relatively unknown having been a senator from Chicago, Ill for under a full term. At the young age of 47 he is your fifth youngest man to be elected for the highest office of the land. Finally and more importantly he was the first Afro American to get the president of the United States. In a time when there still exists racial prejudices his election was a massive testimony to one who is living the American dream.

Federal Deficit - Barack Hussein Obama II was created on August 4th, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His mother, Ann Dunham was from Wichita, Kansas and his awesome father, Barack Obama Sr. was from Kenya in East Africa. His parents divorced 36 months later in 1964. Right after her divorce his mother married an Indonesian student and in 1967 they moved to Jakarta. Young Barack attended local schools from your age of 6 to 10 in the Jakarta area. In 1971 he returned to Hawaii to reside with his mother's parents. His grandparents knew the need for a good education and enrolled him in the private college preparatory school. He attended Punahou School from 5th grade till his high school graduation in 1972.

In 1979 Barack transferred to Los Angeles, California to attend Occidental College. This college can be a liberal arts school and is also located in the Eagle Rock section of Los Angeles. It was and still is ranked among the top rated liberal arts school nationally and it is also the oldest liberal art college about the West Coast. In 1981 he transferred to Columbia University in New york to study political science and international relations. He graduated back in 1984 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He continued his education attending Harvard Law School where he graduated in 1991.

Obama was fortunate that his family put this type of high value on education and imparted the value of learning to him. Growing up biracial was difficult with prejudices that existed then and to some extent still do in the current modern world. Perseverance and tenacity are two attributes that kept him pushing forward to reach his full potential what you might be. From the time he became an attorney Obama became involved in community projects and was obviously a champion of America's freedoms as a Civil Rights attorney in Chicago, Ill. In 1992 Barack H. Obama married Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, they have two daughters; Malia and Sasha.

campaign 2012 - Whether you're a staunch liberal democrat or an avid conservative republican it goes without question that Barack Hussein Obama II is living the American dream. Overcoming personal obstacles, striving to accomplish goals with unlimited possibilities is one thing we all have the opportunity to live for. If you have the desire to achieve and the strength to preserver regardless of obstacles put before you, you will succeed.

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