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Revisión a fecha de 22:50 13 mar 2012; MosleyBrumfield928 (Discutir | contribuciones)
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How to Deal With Stress Headaches

Lots of people have to deal with stress headaches at least a few times in their lives, but some people get them all the time. A headache can spoil your day and make it hard to concentrate on what you want to do. There are a lot of treatments that you can choose for stress headaches but if you suffer from them a lot, you need to talk to a doctor. For the most part, though, home remedies and some basic lifestyle changes and shifts are more than enough to cure your tension headaches.

Lots of tension headaches are caused by eyestrain which is a common issue these days because so many people are spending the majority of their days staring into computer screens. And, thanks to television, movie and smart phone screens, your eyes are under more strain than you probably think they are. While it's likely that you aren't able to quit your job, if that is the main cause of your eyestrain, you can still reduce the problem enough to keep the headaches away. It can help to look away from whatever screen you're looking at for a few seconds. Do this a lot so that your eyes aren't forced to continue staring at the screen for a long time without getting a chance to rest. It may also help to put a protective shield of some kind on your computer screen, which can reduce glare or, in some cases, radiation.

You may not think that posture has anything to do with headaches, but chronic poor posture can be one cause. This is a problem that is pretty commonplace in people who spend long hours working at computer stations. One big problem is leaning forward with your head because it can put extra pressure on your neck and back. As you sit and walk try to be alert for extra tension in your neck or shoulders. In addition to paying attention to your posture you should get regular massages and, perhaps, work with a chiropractor to get regular treatments.

There are lots of other things you can do, like the Feldenkrais Method and Alexander Technique that can help you achieve a healthier posture. You can try to find a practitioner for yourself or look through videos posted on the net to find more information on these techniques.

If you've been having to deal with headaches from stress or tension you can do quite a lot to cure them by controlling how much stress you let into your life. This can be quite difficult but if you put your mind to it you can do it. You can reduce your own stress levels by learning yoga and mediation. Relaxation exercises involving things like deep breathing don't just help you relax, they help you cure your headaches and preventing new ones from starting. If you've got lots of stress, you may not be able to get rid of all of it at the same time, but you can take steps toward that final goal.

Stress headaches can be cured in lots of ways including the methods in this article. Perhaps the most obvious remedy for a stress headache is a reduction in stress but it might be really hard for you to actually do that. You should still explore it though because stress is terrible for your body; headaches are just the tip of the iceberg.

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