
De Wikis en Educación

Revisión a fecha de 12:05 28 mar 2012; LeeannMcroberts644 (Discutir | contribuciones)
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Rentzio operates as a rental aggregator for travelers seeking information regarding Motorhome and RV Rentals, Trailer, Motorcycle, ATV, Snowmobile, Bike, Boat and Vacation Home Rentals. When you advertise on Rentzio, List your rental are cross marketed throughout the site. For example, a traveler looking to rent a Motorhome in San Diego may also be interested in renting a Trailer and 2 ATV’s to take along during their trip. When they perform a search, they will be presented with a variety of Motorhome rentals in San Diego to choose from. When they select a specific Motorhome rental and view that detail page, they will be offered variety “complimentary” rentals in San Diego as well (Trailers, ATV’s, Motorcycles, Bikes, Boats, etc.). Utilizing this geographic based “complimentary” search system dramatically increases exposure for all of your rental listings.

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