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Mystery } Soul Part 5

Ostensibly, Baby, Infant } Young souls would not have up to now coordinated personalities } their souls tend to be governed } lower instincts } impulses of the personality. Mature } Old souls tend to be more responsible } their personalities are integral } functioning underneath the direction } Higher Self, the Soul. At each stage } level the soul's consciousness level expands. It becomes more spiritually aware. Just about all prophets were Old souls. They gave teachings } younger ones that in the course of time was misunderstood by them } created into dogmas. Young souls are not capable of spiritually guiding Old souls. Young souls merely think that that they feel } true; Old souls understand what they know. Young souls guess, Old souls perceive. It is known that Infant souls learn their karmic lessons through enduring; Baby souls through pain; Young souls through losing; Mature souls through anguish; } Old souls through terror. There is one principle that should be comprehended, and that's the appropriateness of activity } expression of souls no real matter what stage they truly are on. It is alright } Baby soul to behave } baby, however for a grownup soul to do something together is inappropriate } retrogressive. You are able to draw a correspondence involving the three systems discussed above. The eyes } for ages been regarded as the windows } soul. } an occult fact. The soul's age could be intuitively felt by its eye-emanations, in addition it gazes, the force } quality it's eyes radiates. Younger souls are thought to } clear energetic eyes } older souls have a very deeper, worn-out, experienced look. Transcendental souls, or those bordering upon perfection, the Old souls, } eyes that radiates power, warmth, love, compassion, } sincerity. They often times } faraway look as if these were considering infinity. They've eyes that look out of you. The prevalent soul age } populace of any country reflects upon its social life, its social mores, beliefs, } perpetuation of its cultural } traditional values. A country's soul-age can demonstrably be observed in how their internal } external diplomatic affairs are conducted, } how their people act } crisis. A materialistic nation is actually made up of Young souls whereas a mystically-oriented society is comprised fundamentally of Old ones. Indonesia, the nation where this writer lives is especially consists of Infant } Baby souls; } smaller percentage of Young souls trailing behind. Adult } Old souls are few in contrast. KINDS OF SOULS You can find no two Monads exactly alike, in the same way you will find no two Souls exactly } same similarity. Each Monad, Soul, or entity are unique, each a unique part of usually the one Divinity, } One Reality. Nonetheless, broadly speaking, you'll be able to broadly classify the psychological areas of souls. There are lots of systems of classifying humanity based on physique } psychological nature. Physically speaking, bodies might be classed as ectomorph, endomorph, } mesomorph; } psychologically as introverted or extroverted, an such like. In metaphysics additionally, there are various types of classification. The astrological method is apparently the most used one. It is no coincidence that the Chinese } Western astrological systems } twelve signs representing twelve kinds of men. However, esoteric astrology teaches that sum is erroneous. In line with the esoteric teachings there are 144 basic types. Exoterically speaking, considering that the faculties of each and every sign, both Western } Chinese have now been well-documented in books we shall maybe not trouble ourselves explaining them here. Still linked to astrology will be the planetary types. This gets its name } planets of our solar system } sun } moon, even though latter two aren't technically planets. Below we list the negative and positive traits of the planetary forms of men (excluding the Plutonian, for much continues to be maybe not yet known of the type) as extracted } Michael's Handbook: The Moon or Lunar Type Positive: Calm, methodical, passive, patient, tenacious, maternal, sympathetic, } receptive. Negative: Moody, introspective, cold-hearted, incommunicative, willfull, stubborn, unforgiving, depressive, } destructive. The sun's rays or Solar Type Positive: Radiant, creative, elegant, dignified, refined, innocent, fun-loving, } childlike. Negative: Airy, aloof, intolerant, na?ve, indiscriminate, greedy, } juvenile. The Mercurian Type Positive: Intellectually active, perceptive, witty, clever, versatile, } clarity of expression. Negative: Inconsistent, impulsive, explosive, nervous, sarcastic, argumentative, } cynical. The Venusian Type Positive: Harmonious, socially warm, loving, gentle, non-judgmental, loyal, easy-going, } friendly. Negative: Lazy, dependent, indecisive, careless, sentimental, } sloppy. The Martian Type Positive: Vigorous, energetic, passionate, decisive, savagely honest, heroic nature, } forthright. Negative: Impulsive, irritable, pugnacious, defensive, quarrelsome, brutal, rude, lacking forethought. The Jupiterian Type Positive: Grand, generous, benevolent, compassionate, kind, loyal, caring, affectionate, } philosophical. Negative: Self-indulgent, extravagant, conceited, wasteful, } craving attention. The Saturnian Type Positive: Paternal, calm, secretive, just, moderate, } self-controlled. Negative: Immutable, inflexible, overly intellectual, despondent, severe, aloof, } feelingless. The Neptunian Type Positive: Spiritual, quiet, idealistic, imaginative, sensitive, graceful, } artistically creative. Negative: Impractical, unworldly, uncertain, } melancholy The Uranian Type Positive: Independent, original, strong-willed, loathing restriction, } humanitarian. Negative: Eccentric, rebellious, } deviant.

7-Ray Types Apart from the ways of classification above, the 7- Ray types } acquired popularity lately } teachings } early Theosophical leaders } writings of Alice Bailey. The research } Seven Rays can be an abstruse subject } there is certainly much concerning it } perhaps not yet been revealed } Spiritual Masters. Nonetheless, what was already fond of humanity } Alice Bailey teachings are substantial also it takes a lot more than mere intellect } apprehend them. Before shortly explaining the Seven Ray types, it will be appropriate } clarify matters about the Rays. We will try to present this simply, in accord with your present comprehension of the topic. Exactly what are these Rays? Every object, entity, being, } particle radiates energy. Sunlight inside our solar system radiates considerable amount of cosmic energies for the intended purpose of nourishing the planets } all beings therein. The Spiritual Sun, or the Spirit } Sun, radiates a spiritual energy } certain quality. This energy has three aspects } } four attributes, just like the physical light spectrum has three primary colors } four lesser ones. Each aspect } attribute with this primary spiritual energy subsequently } specific qualities. These seven differentiations } primary energy } Sun are called the Seven Rays. These Seven Rays are greater in frequency than those detectable by our present scientific instruments. Every component in the microcosm of man is predominantly imbued by one of many Seven Rays. The physical human anatomy, as an example could be ruled by one of many Seven Rays, the emotional or astral human anatomy might be ruled by still another. } four lower bodies } microcosm functions in harmony their ruling Rays come in turn coordinated by one specific Ray. When this does occur you can find three ruling Rays in the microcosm of man to think about: the Ray ruling the Monad (the Spirit), the Ray ruling the Soul, } Ray ruling the Personality. Each microcosm, or each person } totality, may well not } same ruling Rays. As an example, one person's personality could be ruled } second ray, still another the next, or fourth, etc. A report of those Rays help us to comprehend the Soul's make-up, its potentialities, its weaknesses } strengths, its quirks, } karmic destiny. One's Ray type/s could be regarded as the character } power assumed for someone to play one's role } cosmic scheme of things. The Seven Rays } spiritual, psychological } physical attributes, powers, } virtues. Their faculties are represented } seven fields of endeavor: [Please visit this site for dining table: http: //www. indotalisman. com/mystsoul. html] Each Ray could be perfectly or imperfectly expressed, and so appears to be they've positive and negative qualities. However, the Rays are now actually neutral in nature. A number of their attributes are: [Please visit this site for dining table: http: //www. indotalisman. com/mystsoul. html] The Seven Ray kinds of men are represented }: King-First Ray, Sage-Second Ray, Server-Third Ray, Artisan-Fourth Ray, Scholar-Fifth Ray, Priest-Sixth Ray, Warrior-Seventh Ray. We regret that people cannot elaborate upon the teachings } Rays } how a raw data given above can add up together. To do this would rise above the scope of the paper. We advice those who would like to delve further to examine the teachings of Alice Bailey } her modern interpreters. SOUL } IMMORTALITY Immortality } religious sense, may be the conception } survival or continuation of self-identity, self-awareness, } all the soul's innate qualities } attributes } "Great Initiation, " as death may also be called. Some conceive immortality } potential condition } accomplished by the average person through good works } moral living; the others genuinely believe that immortality can be an innate state } soul. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), the German philosopher, defined immortality } soul hence: "The immortality } soul means the infinitely prolonged existence of 1 } same rational being. " The above mentioned statement means that Kant believed souls would perceive } rationally comprehend themselves } exactly like they certainly were in the mortal state. One of the individuals of ancient cultures, the Egyptians were perhaps the first to give credence to immortality. } departed they formulated specific rituals that will guide those souls in the many events } afterworld, like the Judgement in the Hall of Osiris. It absolutely was believed that their angel of death, the god Anubis, would assist the newly deceased to pass up to the Otherside where in the Judgement Hall it might be weighed } scales against Maat, or Truth. The famed "Book } Dead" was helpful tips } Ba, the soul, written in hieroglyphics upon the walls } tomb so the soul would know what exactly awaited it } what it had to accomplish. That immortality was a salient point in Egyptian beliefs could be seen by among the inscriptions available on a wall } Fifth-Dynasty tomb: "They depart much less those who find themselves dead, nevertheless they depart as those who find themselves living. " The fact that the soul survived the human body and its own eventual get back was one of many exoteric reasons } Egyptians mummified their dead thus preserving it } deterioration. However, the actual reason cadavers were mummified is yet undisclosed. Which they did not be expectant of their departed to come back } same human body } resurrected therein is visible by their practice of removing the inner organs } placing them in special urns. } the human body was } reused they undoubtedly wouldn't } evacuated the interior organs. The practice of mummification is analogous to your modern practice of cryogenics by which newly deceased bodies are frozen. Often there is a hope among men that future technology could resurrect the dead. What motivates men } preserve the dead } the instinctive desire to have immortality. Men } always believed a future life can be done, whether in this dimension or in a few other realms. Cicero once wrote that, "There } the minds of men, } maybe not how, a specific presage } future existence; which takes deepest root in the greatest geniuses & most exalted souls. " Exactly why is the immortality } soul believed in so emphatically generally in most religions } philosophical thought? In ancient times man was regarded as a dual creature. He'd a physical human anatomy that has been tangible } corporeal; though the ancients also recognized the truth that man had feelings } thoughts, and also this was associated with an intangible factor which they conceived of as spirit or soul. Furthermore, the countless supernatural phenomena such as for example hauntings } psychic contacts convinced man } soul was indeed immortal } survive the death } physical human anatomy. } ancients, still another factor that gave credence to immortality is } life-force accompanies the breath when man } newly-born son or daughter makes its first inhalation, and they also depart simultaneously during the time of death. The soul was conceived of to be released with the last breath. Because the breath is indestructible, so likewise was the soul. The living human anatomy breathes, the dead doesn't. Many cultures used the same word to mean both breath } soul, or life-essence. The ancient Greeks as an example used the phrase, "pneuma" to designate the breath basically the vital force that animates man. In addition they used the term psyche } designate your head } soul. Yet another idea of immortality is } soul was never created } } had always existed though its consciousness may possibly not be as developed because it is currently. What does not have any beginning doesn't have end. Whatever had an inception is conceived to truly have a termination. In the Phaedo, Plato has Socrates arguing } immortality } soul. It is known } belief in immortality is really a direct extension of man's instinct of self-preservation. All creatures battle to survive, to keep up the life-force; every one of man's finer instincts imbues within him the sense } continuity of self-identity notwithstanding the transitory process. It is instinctive in man to think } continuation of life as opposed to its cessation. Subconsciously man knows what the conscious mind only includes a faintest realization. In "Ethics" Spinoza affirmed: "We feel } understand that we have been eternal. " } scientific standpoint, granted } soul survives the physical form, it is still no assurance } will maintain steadily its integrity or structure forever. For example, just why is it that some religious doctrines think that the soul might experience "the 2nd death"? In what sense? Also, } soul is regarded as being immortal does this make reference to its form or its essence? } its essence is recognized as immortal science would agree, because of it knows that matter } energy are interchangeable one } other } essentially indestructible. There is nothing ever destroyed only converted or transmuted. However, regarding the permanency of form, of structure--the structure } soul--this is debateable. Still another vital scientific inquiry will be, "Is self-identity } consciousness associated with the essence, function, or kind of the soul? " Copyright ? 2006 Luxamore.

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