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Revisión a fecha de 11:10 25 abr 2012; BlumeLemire691 (Discutir | contribuciones)
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It is usually a great feeling to take in a puppy plus teach it how to be a good dog. Nevertheless it isn't only puppies who require training. Some dogs, whether adopted or found, will require a point of training when they enter your house, although just to get the dog used to your policies and expectations. It's a great idea to promote dog stairs into your training regime.

Small dogs are especially in need for small dog steps, as they can sustain a significant injury from falling or jumping off of tall home furnishings. Breeds such as Chihuahuas and Pomeranians have fragile bone and can easily break their legs jumping from a cargo area or sofa. Picking them up to place them regarding furniture can not only be a nuisance, but it really can cause them spinal problems in the longer term.

Large and small dog stepscan easily be bought at many retailers and are a worthwhile expenditure in your dog's safety. There are many studies of which show that small dogs are at the highest possibility of breaking a limb if they fall off on the couch or bed and land improperly.

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