Which Is The Superior Juice Extractor, The VRT330 Juicer From Omega Or The BJE510XL From Breville

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Revisión a fecha de 16:18 23 abr 2012; AzaiTibbits1028 (Discutir | contribuciones)
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If you get a new juice extractor, it will cost you a good amount of money and time. It's not just initial price, but the money for the produce you are juicing. And you need to consider the time you are going to spend preparing, juicing, and cleaning up.

The Breville BJE510XL and the Omega VERT VRT330 juicers are among the best selling juice extractors. Both Breville and Omega are reputable companies. Hundreds of buyers have given their machines quite favorable customer ratings (on Amazon, the Omega VRT330 was rated 4.2, the Breville BJE510XL, 4.5). Each has advantages and disadvantages, so how do you choose? Decide what is most important to your juicing plans and your lifestyle.

Will your juice be green? That is, full of wheat-grass, celery, and the many green leafy vegetables? If so, you need a masticating juicer. The Omega VRT330 should be your choice. Its 80 rpm speed auger crushes then squeezes which seems to get more out of the greens especially. It also generates almost no heat, which preserves these plants' nutrition. Its wiping blade and automatic pulp extrusion work together to keep these often stringy vegetables from clogging up the works.

Half of those who rated it at Amazon gave the VRT330 5 stars. The VERTs strong points are the ease of operation, its easy feeding and clean up, and efficiency of use. The Omega VRT330 uses as little as half as much produce as other juicers. Sixteen percent gave it only 1 or 2 stars. They mostly objected to its speed of operation and occasional jamming. Its cost of around 60% more than the Breville BJE510XL is a higher initial investment, which is off-set by lower produce costs over the long run. Its 10-year limited warranty demonstrates the manufacturers confidence in it.

Do you want your juice in a hurry? Consumers appear moderately happier with the Breville BJE510XL juicer in terms of time spent in both preparation and juicing. The three inch intake spout lets you chop less, or not at all. The Breville can give you eight ounces of juice in five seconds, where the Omega VRT330 can take 10 minutes. The BJE510XL is a real time saver. Because it runs so fast, the heat it generates is not a huge problem. The juice is exposed to the heat for only a very short time.

Seventy-four percent of buyers of the Breville BJE510XL gave it a 5-star rating and only six percent rated it at only 1 or 2 stars. Its most serious problem is jamming, particularly if it causes the motor to "chug down." Asking too much of this blender can cause an internal circuit breaker to be thrown, that only a trip to the manufacturer can reset. Most of that disgruntled six percent had that happen, but listening to the machine and treating it kindly prevents this problem. But if you are going to juice a lot of greens, the Omega VRT330 is a better choice.

If you need slow, cool, and green, select the Omega VRT330 juicing machine. If you demand quick and easy, but not so many greens, you'll want the Breville BJE510XL. Both give good service. Both serve different needs. One of these two juicers will be just right for you.

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