Compatibility or Synergy & Astrology

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Revisión a fecha de 01:04 23 abr 2012; SperanzaMarcellus19541 (Discutir | contribuciones)
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These can be determined by comparing a companion's horoscope with your personal natal chart. In doing a comparison, very first notice no matter whether your companion has a predominance of planets in a single of the elements, more than four planets in a single element.

In common, men and women are more likely to be compatible with each and every other when their natal planets fall into compatible components. The compatible elements are fire with air, earth with water. That implies if you have a predominance of natal planets in the fire signs, you are far more most likely to have a compatible connection with somebody who has a predominance of natal planets in the air signs. If your companion's planets are mainly in the earth signs, you can expect assorted issues based on which components are involved.

It is also essential to note how several of your planets are in the cardinal, fixed, and mutable signs and exactly where your companion's planets are. A predominance of planets in one top quality (i.e., 5 or a lot more planets in a cardinal, fixed, or mutable sign) tells you how a person is likely to act in a connection.

Now it is critical to note to see how your and your companion's planets are distributed amongst the masculine and feminine signs. Most individuals have an even balance of 5-to-five, or six-to-four, in between masculine or feminine. If you and your companion each and every have the regular ratios of planets, you ought to have no trouble finding along with every single other. You can perform major arcana factors out even when one of you has a gender ration of seven-to-three although the other has a four-to-six ratio.

If there is a distinction of one or two planets in masculine (or feminine) signs amongst you and your companion you really should have no trouble in establishing a compatible relationship. If there is a difference of 3 planets, you can still work issues out.

Nevertheless, if there are a daily scorpio horoscope lot more than 3 planets amongst you and your companion, in one gender, you will both have to perform very hard to sustain a relationship. The reason is that the dominantly masculine person's aggressive behavior will threaten and harass the reserved, security-motivated feminine individual.

If both people are dominated by the very same gender (either masculine or feminine), they share the exact same viewpoint and approach to life. Initially, this can give them a powerful feeling of 12 zodiac signs compatibility. Nevertheless, they will soon really feel a need for the kind of stimulation that comes from defending mildly distinct points of view. They will have to turn to a person else to meet that require.

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