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Revisión a fecha de 11:23 21 abr 2012; BrigitteSpells94 (Discutir | contribuciones)
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OK magazine is a British Celebrity News magazine that's published every Tuesday of the week. It was first published by Jolyon Connel in London in the year 1995. An American edition of OKAY magazine was launched in 2005.

This magazine is one of the top magazines in terms of celebrity gossip and news. Weekly, the columns of the magazine are filled with the latest news and gossips of celebrities all around the world. The magazine has gone from strength to strength Gossip Site as the fans can't get enough of the latest happenings inside their idol's lives. The magazine is unique for the reason that it doesn't only cover gossip and sensationalism but also provides insights in to celebrity lives through personal interviews.

One of the main competitors to OK magazine is Hello. Entertainment News Both of these publications are always in competition to see who can get the latest news first. In one of their battles, OK magazine won a lawsuit against Hello magazine because the latter published photographs from the wedding of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones when the former was the copyright holder to the wedding images.

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