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Revisión a fecha de 22:00 17 abr 2012; StickneyCanas914 (Discutir | contribuciones)
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What is the change?

It is often best to decide what actually needs to change first. Maybe it is a nosy mother-in-law you want to back off, or to stop gossiping your personal lives to her friends. Then again, maybe you want to move country with your kids; but you might be too afraid to tell your extended family as you don’t want to upset them.

What would the change accomplish?

It is often easier to believe that the world will be hunky-dory after making certain changes, but it is likely that you will face other problems in your life other than this. If you tell your mother-in-law to refrain from gossiping, would this create a family feud for years to come? It’s hard to tell if a move to a foreign country will be a success, but it could be the best choice for you and your family after all. You could try [ family therapist in london] if you live in England and near to London.

Time spent thinking?

Waking up one day and coming up with an idea is not the same as thinking about making a change for a long time. Therefore it might be more productive to think about your idea for a longer stretch of time before coming to a decision. Is there anyone you can confide in to give their opinion on the matter, or to provide you with family relationship advice?

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