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Revisión a fecha de 12:59 9 abr 2012; HesseGarica275 (Discutir | contribuciones)
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Patio furniture is an excellent addition to any outdoor space. From the smallest patio to the most sprawling yard, patio furniture instantly transforms it to usable living space. Furniture designed for outdoor use is traditionally made with durable and functional materials. Examples of these materials are plastic resins, cast-aluminum, and various woods. Each of the materials have different qualities that impact their appropriate use. Plastics products are relatively inexpensive. They are completely waterproof and therefore can be left out year round. Unfortunately, their lightweight construction makes them vulnerable to winds and UV rays can weaken them over time. Cast-aluminum is another option which has seemingly limitless options. It can be more expensive but typically looks very elegant and is quite durable. To create the many color and surface options, cast-aluminum patio furniture is powder-coated. This coating provides a very durable finish, but suntan lotions, perspiration and car exhaust can eventually break down the powder-coating. Although aluminum will not rust, it may corrode if the coating is compromised.

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