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Revisión a fecha de 23:50 5 abr 2012; BetteannSaul108 (Discutir | contribuciones)
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Take on a cool short hairstyle in 2012! If you are used to wearing your hair long then going short will be a daring move! Short haircuts in 2012 are gaining popularity. As usual many will be looking to see what the celebrities are wearing. Hollywood starlets are going short and chic and here is why. Cool short hairstyles emphasis the features in a woman’s face instead of long locks of flowing hair covering the features up. Cool short hairstyles emphasize bone construction and complexion… also the eyes. Your choices are greater than ever before and range from the layered styles for round faces to the pixie crops that are classic. Cool short hairstyles are a lot more than just an easy cut with some plain hair treatment. A cool short hairstyle will be a statement of your total personality and should match your eyes, complexion and bone structures. Try this ultra cool hairstyle out! The cool short hairstyles have always been noted to depict a person’s air of independence. As we look at cool short hairstyles in 2012 women are going to wear lasting, sexy, and stylish cuts that have the power to make an impact in the lives they touch! Trendy Hairstyles are for when you want to wear a hairstyle that is modern and currently in fashion now or even was in the past. It was a hair style that was in fashion in the past but is now popular and worn now with a new and slight twist to it. One trendy hairstyle these days is blunt cut bangs. Blunt cut bangs are great but with bobs. Choose ear length bobs or shoulder length bobs depending on your hair texture and thickness. Go for a ear length bob with blunt cut bangs if you have a bony face and if you have a chubby face you could go for shoulder length bobs that has the tips styles facing inwards.

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