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Revisión a fecha de 08:05 5 abr 2012; MuseCostanzo712 (Discutir | contribuciones)
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Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder that has been diagnosed in most adults that snore. With recent increase in the number of people being diagnosed with it in the recent years, it is still rare that children show these symptoms. Sleep disorder specialists have differentiated sleep apnea cure into two basic categories based on the basis of signs and symptoms. Obstructive and Central sleep apnea disorder that are a serious health concern for anyone diagnosed with this disorder. In recent years, OSA or Obstructive .Cure sleep apnea has affected more than 2% women and at least 4% men with an ever increasing number all over the world. However the number keeps changing as per the number of people under study while if the symptoms are low, it can be managed easily. If you look at symptoms and signs of obstructive apnea, it leads to constant sleep disruption and moderate to severe snoring which leads to sleep deprivation and lack of concentration. Sleep deprivation leads to numerous health issues, behavioral changes, low alertness levels, poor concentration that has led to numerous accidents at work and in the home.

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