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Uncapped ADSL Configuring an ASDL router with a local area network is no longer the exclusive domain of computer savvy network administrators and technicians. Routers are becoming increasingly easier to set up according to anyone’s specific needs. Many of these network devices offer an online feature that allows the user to do the configuring in a graphical interface setting after logging in.
The various brands of ADSL routers differ in software design and in the Uncapped ADSL options they offer. The procedures I’ve sketched here are based on the Netgear routers with which I have been long familiar, and whose configuration interfaces I consider to be among the user friendliest.
Actually the settings to configure in all ASDL routers are alike. They just differ in the way they are explained or defined. It is best to consult your router’s manual or Web site to ascertain exactly how you are to go about working out the configuration for your particular model.
Port forwarding, local area network (LAN) set up, and Web site restriction Uncapped ADSL are among the common requirements of router configuration. I am limiting the scope of the discussion in this article to port forwarding. We won’t be talking about setting up the other features of your ADSL router until later.