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FlorellaSantiago240 (Discutir | contribuciones)
(Página creada con ' Although the Apple iPhone 5 is yet to be announced, users over the Web have already started searching for the iPhone 6 features, specifications, and more enthusiastically the d...')
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última version al 09:56 25 abr 2012

Although the Apple iPhone 5 is yet to be announced, users over the Web have already started searching for the iPhone 6 features, specifications, and more enthusiastically the design. It’s quite funny to know how obsessed people have become with Apple products, especially with the iPhone and iPad.

With such a huge popularity, Apple doesn’t really have to shell out cash for advertising or marketing their products. Word of mouth alone is enough for Apple to stay ahead of the competition.

I must confess that it has become more like a competition between fans to find information of the unannounced products. As I was doing my research on this, I found a number of blogs dedicated to the iPhone 6 already, and to my surprise, they are updated quite regularly.

The Apple iPhone 6 is far away from its actual release. With Apple releasing different versions of the iPhone (“S” launches), it’ll definitely take a few more years before Apple announces the iPhone 6.

At this point in time, there is very little information available about the features, specifications and designs of the iPhone 6. We don’t even know if the 6th generation of the iPhone will even be called ‘iPhone 6′ or something else. However, what we know and have analyzed that fans across the Web have a lot of expectations especially with designs. iPhone 6

Apple has always been known for its innovative thoughts and ideas they come up with. It’s not just with the products, but also with the applications that their products run. For instance, take a look at Siri. We never know what Siri can do in the iPhone 6. Probably it can understand what a dog is barking about and translate it into human language?

We have already discussed some of the features and specifications that are expected to arrive in the iPhone 5. Although Apple fans were quite disappointed after the release of iPhone 4S, the expectations have grew even more and hopefully they are not disappointed at least this time.

Coming back to the Apple iPhone 6, we have found the best available information for you, but please keep in mind that these are just speculations and expectations of fans, and there’s nothing official about it.

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