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última version al 20:17 21 feb 2012

Revealing the Myths of Dieting

It's not easy to lose weight but the fact of the matter is that there are all sorts of diets, exercise programs and pieces of nutritional advice to follow, which doesn't make it any easier. If, of course, you are clear about some of the realities of weight loss then you are going to be in a much better position to succeed with whichever weight loss program you choose. The focus of this article will be on some of the underlying realities of dieting and weight loss that can help you find success.

The notion that all fats are unhealthy is actually a myth but people have a hard time accepting that. We've gotten used to looking for foods that have very little or exactly no fat that it is hard to understand that there are some fats that actually are good for you and that your body needs a little bit of fat to stay healthy. You've probably heard about both healthy fat and unhealthy fat--it's an important distinction to make. You need to remember this so that you don't fall for the lie that foods like margarine and diet soda are healthy when the truth is that they aren't. Alternatively, fish oil, olive oil and nuts really are healthy. So don't make the mistake of trying to completely avoid fats, which are an essential part of any diet.

Some people put a lot of pressure on themselves to skip meals because they think this is the most effective way to lose weight. Not only will this only make you uncomfortable, it isn't even going to work. Studies show that people who skip meals reach for snacks more often and they are typically the least healthy snacks available. When you skip meals you send the message to your body that your metabolism should slow down which isn't even close to what you want to have happen. The worst meal of all to skip is breakfast.

If you don't eat your breakfast you are going to snack more often during the rest of the day. Eating a good breakfast helps you get the day off to a good start, so this is definitely a meal to eat every day.

There are so many different celebrity diets and workout videos out there and some of them really are popular. You can try them out if you want to but do not believe that a celebrity really has the answers that you have been trying to find. So many of the famous celebrities are rail thin but that doesn't mean that being so thin is good for you. Some will even go on crash diets in an attempt to lose lots of weight for their adventures. Some actually have more serious problems, such as eating disorders or drug habits. That doesn't mean that no celebrities should be trusted, just that you shouldn't trust them simply because that person is thin or has a video or book.

In summary, your approach to your diet is almost always as important as the diet itself. You will help yourself quite a lot if you have realistic expectations so that you aren't as likely to fall victim to one of the many myths that gets flung around about dieting. This is how you avoid being taken advantage of by a fad diet and how you will stick with a good diet when it actually finds you.

The feedback about this is typically along the lines of surprise reactions when people read about Losing a Few Pounds, here. Perhaps you do not need comprehensive knowledge, but having that will always help and never hurt.

As we always say, it is usually the little things that can turn out to be the most important. But do not feel shy about exploring anything that you feel may shed more light on this. The hierarchies that are inherent in this will prove to be most enlightening.

You can work with that until you are satisfied and then expand or do the same with another point from this article.

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