any number in the control box below and hit Enter. In this way
you will get all the factors of that number.
can also change the value of the number by using the up and down
largest number you can type is 10.000.
1.- Write down the quantity of factors of each number from 0 to 50.
What is the natural number that has the highest number of factors? How
many factors does it have?
What is the natural number that has the lowest number of factors? How
many factors does it have?
How many factors does a prime number have?
2.- Define four sections to make the classification
of natural numbers; depending on the number of factors, write a number
as an example of each of those sections.
3.- Type
a number of 4 digits and hit Enter; use the up triangle to increase the value
of the number by one at the time. Notice the diversity of the number of
factors of each number. Write down what you observe. Do you think that
a large number is expected to have more factors? What do you think it
depends on?