The division of fractions

1. The reciprocal fraction of a fraction

The reciprocal of a fraction is another fraction that, when it is multiplied by it, turns out to be the unit fraction.
The reciprocal of a fraction is the fraction you get when you switch the numbers in the numerator and denominator.
Logically, if a fraction is the reciprocal of another one, then all the equivalents to it are also their reciprocals.
The fraction of value 0 is the only one that hasnīt got a reciprocal.


Type the reciprocal fraction. In order to do this, you have to type the numerator first, hit Enter, then type the denominator. When you hit Enter again you will get the message CORRECT or INCORRECT.

This activitiy doesn't allow any corrections.
When you click on Init another fraction will appear. Do this activity several times.

  Eduardo Barbero Corral
Spanish Ministry of Education. Year 2007

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