The multiplication of integers
Operations with integers II

2 a . The properties of the multiplication of integers.

You can move the name of the properties and the numeric expressions with examples from the circles below. You must put everything that refers to the same property in the same line.

Esta unidad interactiva requiere la máquina virtual de Java J2RE.  

2 b . Property of the multiplication in relation to addition. Distributive property.

Multiplying a number by an addition of another numbers is the same as multiplying that number by each addend separately and then adding up the products.

  Esta unidad interactiva requiere la máquina virtual de Java J2RE.

In this window you can see an example and check if you get the same result.

When you click on Init, other numbers will apear.

  Esta unidad interactiva requiere la máquina virtual de Java J2RE.  

Here you have to multiply the factor outside by each one of the addends. It is not about finding the final result of all that.

When you type the right number it will appear in the window, but if the number isn't correct, it won't appear.






Eduardo Barbero Corral


Spanish Ministry of Education. Year 2007


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