


1) Find the local extremes of the function


Do the following in your exercise book:

  • Find f'(x) and solve the equation: f'(x)=0

  • Find f''(x) and its sign for these values

Now look at the curves of f'(x) and f''(x) in the window.

  • Where does f'(x) cut the X-axis?

  • What is the behaviour of f''(x) at these points?

Change the value of x and the curve of y=f(x) will appear. Look carefully at its behaviour and check your results.


2) Find the local extremes of the function


  • You now know the procedure you need to follow. Solve the equation: f'(x)=0. Then find f''(x) and its sign for the x values you obtain. In this example, what happens when x=0?

Make the value of the DERIVATIVE equal to 1 in the top part of the window. The curves of f'(x) and f''(x) will appear.

  • Note that the sign of f' is the same on both sides of zero. There is no maximum or minimum of the function when x=0. Later on we will see what to do in these cases.

As you change the value of x the curve of y=f(x) will appear for you to observe its behaviour.


3) Find the value of a so that f(x)=x3+ax has a local extreme at x=1. Is it a maximum or minimum?

  • Find f'(x) and solve the equation: f'(1)=0 

  • What is the value of f''(1) for the value of a you have obtained?

  • Is there a maximum or minimum at x=1?

Look at the curve of f' in the window. Change the value of f'(1) until the red point is on the X-axis. You can also do this by dragging the point with the mouse.

  • Now f'(1)=0. What is the value of a?.

Change the value of x and the curve of y=f(x) will appear. You can use this to check that there is a maximum or minimum at x=1.

  María José García Cebrian
Spanish Ministry of Education. Year 2001

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