Section: Geometry

We can also tessellate the plane by using two or more regular polygons.

A semi-regular mosaic is formed with two or more types of regular polygons and only one type of polygon is found in the middle where the other polygons meet. In other words, the polygons are arranged identically at each of their vertices.

There are two semi-regular mosaics illustrated in the following window.


1.- Cut out different regular polygons from a piece of card: equilateral triangles, squares, regular pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, octagons etc until you get to regular dodecagons.

2.-First try fitting these regular polygons together around a point and find out which combinations are possible (you can use the same shape more than once). E.g. try fitting together two octagons and a square, two dodecagons and a triangle, two hexagons and two triangles or two squares and three triangles etc.

3.-Now try and cover the whole plane by laying them out regularly. There are hundreds of possible combinations.

4.- ˇDiscover what they all are! (You can see them all on page 264 of Martin Gadner's book "Nuevos Pasatiempos Matemáticos"  published by Alianza Editorial).

Move point A to change its size. 


Ángel Aguirre Pérez -

Spanish Ministry of Education. Year 2001

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