5. Problems with lines in parametric form I
Block :Geometry


If the line r:is in parametric form given a numeric value for the parameter t, we will obtain values for x and y. They are the coordinates of a point on r.

To verify if a point P(x0,y0) lies on r or not, we will substitute its coordinates into the x and the y

of the line .The point always lies on the line when the same value for t is obtained in both equations.

In this figure we have the line: r

1.- In your workbook calculate the coordinates of the points X of r, giving t the following values: 
t = 0.5  
t = -1  
t = -2.3  

Verify that your calculations are correct by changing the value of t in the buttons at the bottom of the figure. 

2.- Does the point Q(-2, 4.5) lie on r
To find out: 
-substitute -2 for x in the equation of r and find the value of t .
-substitute 4.5 for y in the equation of r and find the new t. If the two values of t coincide, the point Q lies on the line.

3.- Verify it in the figure, moving the point Q by carefully moving the mouse, introducing the values

Q.x = -2 and Q.y = 4.5 in the buttons at the bottom. In the same figure you will see the values of t that you have calculated and if the point Q lies on the line or not. 

4.- By the same process as before, see if the point Q(-6,8) lies on r

5.- What value needs to be given to m, such that the point Q(4,m) lies on r?.

If (d1, d2) is a direction vector of r, then:
Any line with direction vector (d1, d2) or proportional to it, (kd1, kd2), k ¹ 0, is parallel to r or coincides with r
Any line with the direction vector (d2, -d1) or proportional to it, (kd2, -kd1), k¹ 0, is perpendicular to r

In this figure we have the line r  and any point P. The known point on r is Q(a,c) and its direction vector d(b,d). Also drawn are a line parallel and another one perpendicular to r which pass through P

1.- Write down in your workbook the equation of a line parallel to and another perpendicular to

, which pass through  P (9,3) .

2.- Verify the result in the figure, changing the point P, dragging it with the mouse, and the line r changing the values of a, b, c and d, in the buttons at the bottom. 

  Ángela Núñez Castaín
Ministry of Education , Social Afairs and Sport. Year 2001

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